Best Short term Job Oriented Courses with high Salary 2023

Best short term courses with high salary

Best Short term Job Oriented Courses with high Salary 2023

The demand for Short term Job Oriented Courses have become increasingly popular today, the reason is in today's fast paced and competitive world, recruiters and employers are looking for those candidates who possess the latest in-demand skills with hands on training. Those candidates who are having specific skill with practical knowledge in that are having high chances of getting a job.

The major benefit of doing short term courses with Job placements is that these courses provide students with the opportunity to work on real-world projects which is essential for students who want to gain industry-relevant skills quickly and they also offer internships and placements that can help students gain practical experience in their field of interest. This is an ideal option for students who are looking to secure a better job in shorter Peroid of time. 

List of in-demand Short term Courses with high salary 2023

1. Digital Marketing : 

  Digital Marketing is one of the best option for those who wants to pursue short term course after 12th or graduation. It is defined as the marketing or promotion of your products and services through digital channels such as search engines, websites, social media, email, and mobile apps. With the world more connected with internet as more people are using mobile phones, tablets, and laptops to access the internet, making it easier for marketers to reach their target audience through digital channels. 

Who can do Digital Marketing Course 

Anyone with an interest in marketing and technology can pursue a Short term course in digital marketing whether you are Student, Graduate, Working Professional or House wife. There is no specific degree required to pursue a career in digital marketing. However, a background in marketing, communications, business, or a related field can be helpful. Some of the prior skills will benefit you as a digital marketer.

  • Creativity
  • Analytical Skills
  • Technical Skills
  • Communication Skills

Digital Marketing Job Roles: 

 There are multiple fields in digital marketing, one can consider his field of interest while taking a digital marketing professional short term course from relevant institute. These fields have high demand with high salary range, even one can start his own business by learning all the tools and skills involved in digital marketing.

1. Digital Marketing Manager: A digital marketing manager is responsible for planning and executing digital marketing campaigns across various channels such as social media, email marketing, search engine optimization, and search engine marketing.

2. Social Media Manager: A social media manager is responsible for creating and executing social media strategies, managing social media accounts, and creating engaging content to build and maintain a brand's social media presence.

3. Content Marketing Manager: A content marketing manager is responsible for creating and executing content marketing strategies, including developing content calendars, writing and editing content.

4. SEO Specialist: An SEO specialist is responsible for optimizing a website's content and structure to improve its search engine ranking. They may perform keyword research, develop and implement an SEO strategy, and measure the success of SEO efforts.

5. PPC Specialist: A PPC specialist is responsible for managing pay-per-click advertising campaigns, including creating and optimizing ads, monitoring budgets and performance, and analyzing data to improve campaign results.

6. Email Marketing Specialist: An email marketing specialist is responsible for creating and executing email marketing campaigns, including designing emails, managing email lists, and analyzing campaign results.

7. Analytics Manager: An analytics manager is responsible for analyzing and interpreting data related to digital marketing campaigns, and using that data to make data-driven decisions to improve marketing strategies.

8. Digital Marketing Coordinator: A digital marketing coordinator is responsible for supporting the execution of digital marketing campaigns, including assisting with content creation, social media management, and data analysis.

9. E-commerce Manager: An e-commerce manager is responsible for managing an e-commerce website, including overseeing product listings, managing online transactions, and optimizing the customer experience.

10. Digital Marketing Consultant: A digital marketing consultant is a freelance professional who provides strategic advice and guidance to businesses on their digital marketing strategies.   

Digital Marketing career job roles

Salary Range : 2.5L-11.0L with Avg 6.5L

2. Data Analytics Course:

  Data analytics is the process of using data to identify patterns, draw conclusions, and make informed decisions. It generally involves analyzing data, identifying trends and patterns and finally using these insights and patterns make informed decisions. Demand of Data science field is rapidly growing as the amount of data being collected by businesses is growing day by day rate, creating a need for professionals who can manage and analyze these large data sets. 

There are various courses available in data analytics, ranging from short-term certificate courses to full-time degree programs. Some of the popular courses in data analytics are:

Diploma in Data Analytics
Bachelor's in Data Analytics
Master's in Data Analytics
Certification in Data Analytics

Data Analytics Job Roles:  Data Analytics is vast field and It is one of the best option for those who wants to do professional short term course with job placement as  there are numerous Job opportunities in this field.

1. Data Analyst: A data analyst is responsible for collecting, processing, and performing statistical analyses on large datasets to identify patterns and trends. 

2. Business Analyst: A business analyst is responsible for using data to inform business decisions and strategies. They analyze data to identify areas for improvement, make recommendations, and monitor performance. 

3. Data Scientist: A data scientist is responsible for using advanced analytics techniques, such as machine learning and predictive modeling, to extract insights from complex datasets. 

4. Data Engineer: A data engineer is responsible for designing and maintaining the systems and infrastructure needed to collect, process, and store large amounts of data. 

5. Machine Learning Engineer: A machine learning engineer is responsible for developing and implementing machine learning algorithms to analyze large datasets and make predictions. 

6. Quantitative Analyst: A quantitative analyst is responsible for using statistical modeling and data analysis techniques to evaluate financial markets and investment opportunities. 

Salary Range :  1.6L - ₹ 11.5L with Avg 4.0L

3. Machine Learning :

It is one of the most demanding and promising career option for those who are having interest programming and data analysis. Machine learning is a field of artificial intelligence that involves developing algorithms and models that can learn from data and make predictions or decisions based on that learning. It involves a lot of mathematical concepts like linear algebra, calculus, and probability theory, So to pursue a professional short term course in Machine learning, some knowledge of mathematics and statistics is also required. 

Machine Learning- Best short term course 2023

Future Scope and Related Job Roles :

 The  future scope for machine learning is also promising. As businesses continue to collect more data, there will be an increasing demand for professionals who can analyze that data and extract insights. According to a report by LinkedIn, the demand for machine learning professionals has grown 74% annually over the past four years. Some of the Job roles after taking advanced short term course in Machine learning.

1. Machine Learning Engineer: A machine learning engineer is responsible for developing and implementing machine learning algorithms and models.

2. Data Scientist: A data scientist is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting complex data sets to inform business decisions.

3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Developer: An AI developer is responsible for designing and developing AI systems, including machine learning models.

4. Research Scientist: A research scientist is responsible for conducting research into machine learning and related fields, such as computer vision and natural language processing.

5. Data Analyst: A Data Analyst is responsible for collecting and analyzing data to identify patterns and insights. They need to have a strong understanding of statistical analysis and data visualization techniques.

Salary Range : ₹ 3.0L to ₹ 20.8L with  Avg 6.4L

4. Web Development Course: 

Nowadays, as more businesses move their operations online, they need skilled web developers, who can create and maintain their high-quality websites and web applications. The Major work of web developers is to design, build and maintain websites. Web developers use the programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create websites that are functional, user-friendly, and visually appealing.

Who can do Web Development Course

 This Course requires a strong understanding of programming fundamentals, such as data structures, algorithms, and object-oriented programming. A bachelor's degree in computer science, information technology, or a related field can be helpful, but it is not always necessary. You can learn from Course, tutorials as well.

Future Scope and Related Job Roles 

 The Future of Web Developers is bright as more people access websites from their smartphones and tablets, it has become essential for websites to be mobile-friendly and responsive. Web developers who have expertise in creating mobile-responsive websites will be in high demand. Here's a list of Job roles having high demand in future.

1. Front-end Developer: The major work of Front-end Developer is to create the user interface and user experience of a website. They use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to design and develop the layout and functionality of the website.

2. Back-end Developer: A back-end developer is responsible for creating the server-side functionality of a website. They use programming languages such as PHP, Python, or Ruby on Rails to create the logic and functionality of the website.

3. Full-stack Developer: A full-stack developer is responsible for both the front-end and back-end development of a website. They have a broad range of skills and are able to handle both the client-side and server-side of the development process.

Web Development Salary range

5. Graphic Designing : 

Graphic Design is a vast field of designing in which there is creation of visual content like images, graphics , videos and animations using advanced digital tools and softwares. They overall design the whole layout using advanced softwares for Websites, Advertisements, brochures, magazines, and corporate reports. The Goal of Graphic Designers is to design that aligns with the client's branding and marketing goals.

Eligibilty Criteria for Graphic Designing Course : Anyone with a passion for creativity and  for design can pursue a career in graphic designing. There are no specific eligibility criteria or educational qualifications required to become a graphic designer. However, most employers prefer candidates who have completed a degree or diploma in graphic design, fine arts, or a related field. Additional skills that will benefit are listed below.

  • Good understanding of design software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.
  • Strong communication skills
  •  Creative mindset

Future Scope and Job Roles: The demand of graphic Designing has become increasingly popular as with the growth of digital media, businesses are investing more in visual communication to engage their target audience. This has created a high demand for skilled graphic designers who can create eye-catching designs for websites, social media, advertising, packaging, and branding. This career option after 12th or graduation is exciting and challenging at the same time. Some Popular Job Roles are :

1. Graphic Designer: A graphic designer is responsible for creating visual concepts and designs using computer software or by hand. Graphic designers often work for overall layout design and production design for advertisements, brochures, magazines, and corporate reports.

2. Art Director: An art director is responsible for overseeing the design and creative direction of a project. They work with graphic designers, copywriters, and other creative professionals to develop visual concepts and ensure that the design aligns with the client's branding and marketing goals.

3. Graphic Designer: A graphic designer is responsible for creating visual concepts and designs using computer software or by hand. 

4. Art Director: An art director is responsible for overseeing the design and creative direction of a project. They work with graphic designers, copywriters, and other creative professionals to develop visual concepts and ensure that the design aligns with the client's branding and marketing goals.

5. Creative Director: A creative director is responsible for managing the creative process and team of a project. They develop and execute creative strategies and concepts to meet the client's objectives.

6. UI/UX Designer: A UI/UX designer is responsible for designing user interfaces and experiences for digital products such as websites, mobile apps, and software. They focus on creating user-friendly and visually attractive designs that refines the user experience.

7. Brand Identity Designer: A brand identity designer is responsible for creating visual identities for brands, including logos, typography, color schemes, and brand guidelines. They work closely with clients to develop a attractive brand image that reflects their values and messaging.

8. Packaging Designer: A packaging designer is responsible for creating packaging designs that are visually attractive and functional. They consider the product, target audience, and marketing objectives to create designs that aligns with marketing needs.

Salary Range : 1.0L- 6.4L with Avg 3.0L

6. Business Analytics Course :

Business analytics is an important field in the modern business world as it helps to analyze business problems and improve decision-making using large data, statistical analysis, and computer-based models that can enhance business performance and growth.

Who can do Business Analytics Course : 
  • It requires a strong Business, Mathematics and Strong Computer Science skill.
  • There is an additional benefit for those with a background in business, engineering, mathematics, statistics, economics, or computer science can pursue a career in business analytics.
  • Many universities and business schools offer specialized short term courses with certifications, and degree programs in business analytics that can provide the necessary skills and knowledge.

Future Scope and Job Roles :  As Companies and Organizations are relying on data-driven decision making, they require Business Analyst for analyzing large data to identify patterns and insights that can be used to improve business performance and growth. Business analytics professionals can work in various industries such as healthcare, finance, retail, and technology. There are numerous opportunites and demanding Job Roles in this field.

1. Business Analyst: A business analyst is responsible for analyzing data to identify patterns and insights that can be used to improve business performance. They work closely with stakeholders to understand their requirements and translate them into actionable insights.

2. Data Analyst: A data analyst is responsible for collecting, cleaning, and analyzing large volumes of data to identify trends and insights. They use statistical methods and data visualization tools to communicate their findings to stakeholders.

3. Business Intelligence Analyst: A business intelligence analyst is responsible for analyzing data to identify trends and insights that can be used to inform business decisions. They work closely with stakeholders to develop dashboards and reports that provide real-time data.

4. Data Scientist: A data scientist is responsible for developing statistical models and algorithms to analyze data and identify trends and insights. They use machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques to develop predictive models that can inform business decisions.

5. Market Research Analyst: A market research analyst is responsible for collecting and analyzing data to identify market trends, consumer behavior, and competitor activity. They use statistical methods and data visualization tools to communicate their findings to stakeholders.

Salary Range : 2.5L- 15.1L with  Avg 3.0L

7. Mobile App Development Course: 

Mobile App Development is one of the fastest growing field today with a lot of potential in  career opportunities in the future as Mobile apps are a critical part of this digital world whether for users and businesses.  It is basically the process of creating software applications that run on mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches. It involves designing, coding, testing, and launching an application that meets the needs of the end-users. 

Who can do Mobile App Development Course : 
  • Individuals having strong foundation in computer science, programming, and mobile technologies.
  • The Candidates with a degree in computer science, software engineering, or a related field are preferred by employers.
  • It requires strong problem solving skills, creativity and anyone with an interest in programming, mobile technologies and willingness to learn new technologies.

Future Scope and Job Roles:   Nowadays, their is huge demand for skilled mobile app developers who can create innovative, user-friendly and secure mobile apps , So pursuing its short term course after 12th or graduation from  is a great choice. Some of the popular Job roles are listed below:

1. Mobile App Developer: A mobile app developer is responsible for designing, developing, and testing mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms. They work closely with the design team to ensure that the app's user interface is user-friendly and intuitive.

2. Mobile App Designer: A mobile app designer is responsible for designing the user interface and user experience of a mobile application. They work closely with the development team to ensure that the app's design is consistent with the brand's visual identity.

3. Quality Assurance Analyst: A quality assurance analyst is responsible for testing mobile apps to ensure that they are bug-free, stable, and meet user requirements. They work closely with the development team to identify and fix any issues that arise during the testing process.

4. Mobile App Project Manager: A mobile app project manager is responsible for overseeing the development of mobile apps from start to finish. They work closely with the development team, design team, and stakeholders to ensure that the app is delivered on time and within budget.

Salary Range : 1.7L-12.0L with Avg 4.3L

8. Cloud Computing Course :

 Cloud computing has become an essential technology in the modern world of business and computing. It is a rapidly growing field that involves the delivery of computing services, including storage, processing, and software applications over the internet. Instead of relying on local servers or personal computers, cloud computing allows users to access and use computing resources remotely over the internet. It is basically a field of Computer Science and can be categorized into three main types:

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): This involves providing virtualized computing resources such as virtual machines, storage, and networks.
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS): This provides a platform for developers to build, test, and deploy their applications without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure.
  • Software as a Service (SaaS): This involves providing ready-to-use software applications that can be accessed over the internet.

Cloud Computer : Best short term course

Who can Do Cloud Computing Course : 

1. A bachelor's degree in Computer Science or related fields such as Information Technology, Software Engineering, or Electrical Engineering.

2. Basic programming knowledge, preferably in languages such as Java, Python, or Ruby.
Familiarity with databases, networking, and operating systems.

3. Individuals with a strong foundation in mathematics, particularly in calculus and discrete mathematics will get an additional benefit.

Future Scope and Job Roles :  The future of Cloud Computing is very bright and there will be a high demand of professionals in coming future who can  manage and develop cloud computing services effectively as it is used in various industries such as healthcare, finance, and government. One can apply for top Job roles after taking professional short term course in Cloud Computing.

1. Cloud Architect: Cloud architects design and implement cloud-based solutions for businesses and organizations. They create a blueprint for the cloud infrastructure. They also ensure that the cloud infrastructure is secure, reliable, and scalable.

2. Cloud Engineer: Cloud engineers are responsible for maintaining and managing the cloud infrastructure, including servers, networks, and databases. They ensure that the cloud infrastructure is optimized for performance, scalability, and cost-efficiency. 

3.Cloud Developer: Cloud developers develop cloud-based applications using various programming languages and platforms. They work with cloud architects to ensure that the applications are designed to work efficiently in the cloud infrastructure.

4. Cloud Security Engineer: Cloud security engineers ensure the security of the cloud infrastructure, including data privacy and protection. They identify potential security threats and vulnerabilities in the cloud infrastructure and implement security controls to remove these risks.

5. Cloud Sales Executive: Cloud sales executives sell cloud computing services to businesses and organizations. They work with clients to understand their requirements and recommend cloud solutions that meet their needs. They also negotiate contracts and pricing with clients.

6. Cloud Consultant: Cloud consultants provide guidance and advice to businesses and organizations on cloud computing. They help clients understand the benefits of cloud computing and how to implement cloud solutions in their organization. They also provide training and support to clients on how to use cloud computing services effectively.

Salary Range : 2.8L-13.0L with Avg 5.2L

9. Cybersecurity Course: 

With the increasing use of technology in business and daily life, cybersecurity has become a crucial aspect of information technology. In simpler terms, cybersecurity is like a security guard for computers and networks as it protects computer systems, networks, and sensitive information from unauthorized access, theft, or damage. This involves using technologies, processes, and procedures to prevent cyber-attacks and security breaches.

Who can pursue this Course : There is no specific educational requirements for most cybersecurity courses. Anyone with an interest in cybersecurity and a basic understanding of computer systems can pursue a cybersecurity short term professional course. But some Additional skills can benefit a lot, these are listed below.

  • A strong background in computer science, information technology, or a related field.
  •  A basic knowledge of computer programming, networking, and information security concepts can be beneficial.
  • This short term Course is more Beneficial for IT Professionals, Software developers , even with a non technical background, one can learn about about Cybersecurity.

Future Scope and Related Job Roles :   According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment in Cybersecurity field is expected to grow 31% from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations. With the Advancement of technology, the demand of cybersecurity professional will also increase in coming future. Below are listed some of the top job Roles in Cybersecurity.

1. Cybersecurity Analyst: Cybersecurity analysts monitor and evaluate an organization's security measures to identify vulnerabilities and potential threats. They also develop and implement security policies and procedures to protect against cyber-attacks.

2. Security Consultant: Security consultants provide advice and guidance on cybersecurity to organizations. They assess an organization's security posture, identify security risks, and recommend appropriate security solutions.

3. Network Security Engineer: Network security engineers are responsible for maintaining and securing an organization's network infrastructure. They implement security controls such as firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and virtual private networks (VPNs).

4. Security Architect: Security architects design and implement secure IT systems and networks. They work with stakeholders to understand their security requirements and develop security solutions that meet those needs.

5. Cryptographer: Cryptographers design and develop cryptographic algorithms and protocols to secure information and communications. They also work on developing and testing encryption and decryption methods to prevent unauthorized access.

Salary Range : 2.0L-17.2L with Avg 5.0L

Why Short term Job Oriented Courses are in high demand?

Nowadays, It is seen that these short term courses after 12th or graduation are even becoming popular among Students as well as working Professionals in comparison to traditional degree programs. I have highlighted some of the top reasons why people are pursuing these short term Job oriented courses with high salary.

1. One can acquire new skills that are Industry relevant or upgrade their existing ones in a short period of time.

2. Generally, these  short term course are shorter in duration than traditional degree programs, which can take several years to complete.

3. By learning any specific industry relevant skill, one can quickly get a job and enter the job market.

4. These courses can be taken online, so it saves time and money. The major benefit is It offers industry relevant skills that provides more Job opportunities.


In today's rapidly evolving job market, skills and practical knowledge are becoming increasingly important. With new technologies and industries emerging, employers are looking for candidates who possess hands-on experience and  should be able to apply that practical knowledge in real world. 

Let's consider the example of a software developer. While a computer science degree can provide a strong foundation in programming concepts, it may not prepare graduates for the real-world challenges of software development. A developer with hands-on experience in coding, debugging, and working with different programming languages and tools is likely to be more attractive to employers than one who only has a degree.

At last, It is very important to explore right institution or mentor with a relevant knowledge before taking any short term course after 12th or graduation. In short, taking the right knowledge is crucial for success in any field.

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