How to prepare IIT JEE: Mains & Advanced, Study material, time table

 How to prepare For IIT JEE: Mains & Advanced, Study material, time table

How to prepare IIT JEE Mains and Advanced 2024

JEE Mains is one of the top exams in India for admission to undergraduate engineering programs, through JEE Mains, Students can enter into Top IIT's and NIT's for their graduation. JEE exam is highly competitive exam as lakhs of students apply for this exam every year but only thousands of them get the chance to get into Top IIT's.

Most of the students follow wrong approach and strategy and they immediately start the preparation without analyzing properly. This is the main reason why students do not get selected even in multiple attempts. Before starting the preparation for IIT JEE Mains, it is very important to have well planned strategy, right approach and dedication. Important points to note before starting the preparation of IIT JEE Mains and Advanced.

  • Familiarize yourself with the exam pattern and syllabus
  • Create a study plan and schedule your study hours
  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses and focus on improving them
  • Refer to the best books and study materials for each subject
  • Practice solving previous year papers and mock tests regularly
  • Focus on understanding the concepts and fundamentals
  • Clear your doubts regularly with the help of your teachers or peers
  • Take short breaks and maintain a healthy routine
  • Stay motivated and positive throughout your preparation
  • Revise regularly and prioritize important topics while studying

How to start the preparation of IIT JEE Mains 2024

Some students start their preparation of IIT JEE Mains at home and some go for coaching in any local institute. Although Coaching Centre provides all the study material, time table and best books for IIT JEE Exam preparation even they will guide you how to use tips and tricks to crack the exam or you can have one to one personal guidance session with your mentor. But how student uses these resources using right approach and plan make a huge difference while preparation for IIT JEE Mains exam.

1. First step : Syllabus and Exam pattern

The first step to start your preparation for the JEE Mains 2024 exam is to understand the syllabus and exam pattern. The syllabus for the JEE Mains exam includes topics from physics, chemistry, and mathematics, and you should be familiar with the weightage of each subject. The exam pattern consists of 90 questions, with 30 questions from each subject, and you will have 3 hours to complete the exam.

2. Make a proper Study Plan before starting the preparation

Once you understand the syllabus and exam pattern, the next step is to create a study plan. Divide the syllabus into most important and least important topics with weightage of each part and allocate a specific amount of time to each part. Ensure that you have a balanced study plan that covers all the subjects equally, and include time for revision and practice tests. 

3. Gather the Required Study Materials

 Don't use multiple resources and books for each subject instead of this, Complete and Revise one book multiple times. Gather all the required study materials, including textbooks, reference books, notes, and online resources. Take guidance from your seniors, toppers or you can subscribe you tube channels where toppers talk about their journey of preparation, so that you can decide what is more important or what is worthless to do.

4. Understand the Concepts and Fundamentals

JEE Mains exam is known for its conceptual questions, so it is essential to understand the concepts and fundamentals of each topic. Do not try to memorize the formulas, instead, try to understand the logic behind them. First try to clear your basics, focus on easy part, once your basics are cleared then you can move to Advanced topics.

5. Practice Regularly

Regular practice and revision is the key to success in the JEE Mains exam. Solve as many practice problems as possible, from textbooks, reference books, and previous year papers. Try to solve problems by yourself, and if you get stuck, seek help from your teachers, classmates, or online channels. Don't get confused between multiple resources and books, focus on one book at a time and then practice it for 2-3 times after that you can move to next one.

6.Take Mock Tests

Taking mock tests is an essential part of your preparation for the IIT JEE Mains exam. Mock tests help you assess your preparation and identify your weaknesses. They also help you get familiar with the exam pattern and build your confidence. Take mock tests regularly, and analyze your performance to identify the areas that need improvement.

7. Focus on Time Management

Time management is crucial in the IIT JEE Mains exam. The exam is time-bound, and you have to complete 90 questions in 3 hours. Practice time management by solving problems under time pressure, and learn to prioritize the questions that are easy and can be solved quickly. Try to complete the exam before time and use the extra time for revision.

8. Stay Motivated

Last but not least, stay motivated throughout your preparation. The  IIT JEE Mains exam is a highly competitive exam, and it can be stressful at times. Surround yourself with positive people, and stay away from negative thoughts and distractions. Take regular breaks, pursue your hobbies, and maintain a healthy lifestyle to keep yourself motivated.

 IIT JEE Mains 2024 syllabus and Important topics with weightage

The syllabus of IIT JEE Mains is very vast, and it covers a broad range of topics from physics, chemistry, and mathematics. Having a strong strategy can help you prioritize the topics that have more weightage in exam so that you can decide to allocate your time to each subject. A well-planned strategy can also help you avoid getting overwhelmed by the syllabus.

IIT JEE Mains Mathematics Important topics 

1. Algebra ( weightage- 15-18%)
  • Quadratic Equations
  • Complex Numbers
  • Matrices and Determinants
  • Permutations and Combinations
  • Probability

2. Coordinate Geometry: ( weightage- 12-15%)

  • Straight Lines
  • Circles
  • Parabola, Ellipse, and Hyperbola
  • Transformation of Axes 
3. Differential Calculus: ( 15-18%)
  • Limits, Continuity, and Differentiability
  • Derivatives and their Applications
  • Tangents and Normals
  • Maxima and Minima
4. Integral Calculus: (12-15%)
  • Definite and Indefinite Integrals
  • Areas under Curves
  • Differential Equations
5. Trigonometry: (8-10%)
  • Trigonometric Ratios and Identities
  • Trigonometric Equations
  • Heights and Distances
6. Vectors and 3D Geometry: (10-12%)
  • Vectors and Scalars
  • Dot and Cross Products
  • Lines and Planes in 3D Space
7. Probability and Statistics: (8-10%)
  • Probability Distributions
  • Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion
  • Correlation and Regression Analysis
8. Mathematical Reasoning: (4-6%)
  • Sets, Relations, and Functions
  • Mathematical Induction
  • Logic and Reasoning

IIT JEE Chemistry Important Topics

1. Physical Chemistry: 

  • Atomic Structure: (8-10%)
  • Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure (8-10%)
  • Thermodynamics (12-15%)
  • Chemical Equilibrium (6-8%)
  • Electrochemistry 
2. Organic Chemistry:

  • Basic Principles and Techniques (10-12%)
  • Hydrocarbons 
  • Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers
  • Aldehydes and Ketones
  • Carboxylic Acids and their Derivative
  • Organic Reaction Mechanisms: 8-10%
  • Polymers and Biomolecules: 6-8%
3. Inorganic Chemistry:

  • Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties: 10-12%
  • General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Metals:
  • Hydrogen and its Compounds:
  • s-Block and p-Block Elements:
  • Coordination Compounds: 8-10%

IIT JEE Mains Physics Important Topics

1. Mechanics: ( weightage- 20-25%)
  • Laws of Motion
  • Work, Energy, and Power
  • Rotational Motion
  • Gravitation
  • Elasticity and Fluid Mechanics
  • Electrodynamics:
2. Electrostatics (weightage- 22-25%)
  • Current Electricity
  • Electromagnetic Induction
  • Alternating Current
  • Electromagnetic Waves
3. Optics: (weightage- 10-12%)
  • Geometrical Optics
  • Wave Optics
  • Interference and Diffraction
4, Modern Physics: (weightage- 12-15%)
  • Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
  • Atoms and Nuclei
  • Semiconductor Electronics
  • Communication Systems
5. Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics: (weightage- 8-10%)
  • Thermodynamic Processes and Laws
  • Kinetic Theory of Gases
  • Heat Transfer
6. Waves and Sound: (weightage- 6-8%)
  • Simple Harmonic Motion
  • Waves on a String
  • Doppler Effect

IIT JEE Mains 2024 Study Material 

Planning your study material for JEE Main preparation requires a systematic approach. Having a right collection of study material gives you the confidence that you are covering all the necessary topics and following a systematic approach. You can manage your time effectively and it will improve your overall performance. Here's a step wise guide that every student must follow:

  • Syllabus Familiarization
  • Recommended Books by mentors
  • NCERT Textbooks
  • Coaching Material
  • Previous Years' Question Papers
  • Online learning platforms
  • Mock Tests and Online Test Series
  • Revision Notes

Top Reference Books for IIT JEE Mains 2024 Preparation

Choosing the right books apart from coaching material is very crucial while preparing for IIT JEE Mains and Advanced. Some of the important points to note while choosing the right reference books before starting the preparation of JEE Mains.

 1. Ensure that the reference books cover the complete IIT JEE Main and Advanced syllabus.
2. Check if the books include an ample number of practice questions, including both solved examples and exercises.
3. Some books include previous years' question papers or a compilation of similar questions
4. Seek recommendations from teachers, mentors, or successful JEE Main candidates who have used the books.
5. Read reviews and feedback from other students who have used the books.
6. If you are enrolled in a coaching program, ensure that the reference books align with your coaching material.

Best Books for IIT JEE Chemistry Preparation

Best Books For IIT JEE Mathematics Preparation

Best Books for IIT JEE Physics Preparation

Reference Books
"Concepts of Physics" (Volume 1 and 2) by H.C. Verma
Fundamentals of Physics" by Halliday, Resnick, and Walker
Problems in General Physics" by I.E. Irodov
JEE Main & Advanced Mechanics Part1" by D.C. Pandey
Electricity& Magnetism
"Understanding Physics for JEE Main & Advanced
Electricity and Magnetism Part 2" by D.C. Pandey
Problems in Physics" by S.S. Krotov
Collection of Questions and Problems in Physics" by L.A. Sena
JEE Main & Advanced Optics and Modern Physics" by D.C. Pandey
Concepts of Physics" (Volume 2) by H.C. Verma
Fundamentals of Physics" by Halliday, Resnick, and Walker

Best Time Table for IIT JEE Mains Preparation

Starting your day by setting a proper Schedule and time table is very crucial for cracking the IIT JEE Mains. It creates a sense of discipline and helps reduce procrastination. When you have a clear schedule and set goals, it becomes easier to prioritize your tasks and minimize distractions. A structured study table reduces the tendency to postpone study sessions and in this way you can cover the Vast syllabus of IIT JEE Mains. 

Best books for IIT JEE Mains and Advanced preparation

6:00 AM - 8:00 AM
7:00 AM - 9:00 AM
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
10:00 AM - 12:00 AM
12:00 AM - 1:00 AM
1:00 AM - 3:00 AM
Lunch Break
3:00 AM - 4:00 AM
4:00 AM - 6:00 AM
6:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Mock test/ Previous year
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Pending work/ solve Doubts/ Next day Preparation

Note : Start your preparation with that subject which you finds most difficult and in first 3 hours of your study, practice questions as much as possible because you brain is more active in morning. End your preparation day by solving 1 previous year paper or mock paper, It helps you to analyze your preparation and performance. Take small breaks after every 2 Hours of study.

Best You Tube Channels for IIT JEE Mains Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics Preparation

Today, If you have a stable internet connection, you can access free educational content anytime and anywhere. Many YouTube channels are run by experienced educators, renowned professors, and subject matter experts. They share their knowledge and expertise through video lectures, even you can access high-quality educational content without the need for expensive coaching classes or study materials.
Here are some free you tube channels for IIT JEE Mains and Advanced Preparation:

1. Unacademy JEE
2. Physics Wallah - Alakh Pandey
3. Mathongo
4. Chemistry by Roshan Sir
5. Vedantu JEE
6. New Era Online Coaching
7. Khan Academy
8. Etoos Education
9. Neso Academy
10. IIT JEE Physics by Pradeep Kshetrapal
11. Vedantu JEE
12. Aman Dhattarwal

IIT JEE Mains Preparation FAQ's

Q: When should I start preparing for IIT JEE MAINS?
A: It's very beneficial if you start preparing for IIT JEE Mains from Class 11th or Class 12th, but before that you must clear your basics of class 11th and 12th. It is equally important to focus on subjective portion of each subjects, because some Universities offer admissions based on class 12th percentage.

Q: How many hours should I study each day for JEE MAINS?
A: The number of study hours can vary depending on individual capability and routine. However, it is generally advised to study for at least 6-8 hours a day, focusing on all three subjects (Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics) including revision and solving 1 Mock test.

Q: Which subjects should I prioritize in JEE MAINS preparation?
A: All three subjects (Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics) carry equal weightage in the JEE MAINS exam. It is important to allocate sufficient time to each subject and those topics that carry more weightage compare to others. Start your preparation with that Subject which you finds most difficult.
Q: How can I manage my time effectively during JEE MAINS preparation?
A: Creating a study schedule or time table can help you manage your time effectively. Allocate dedicated time slots for each subject, revision, practice, and breaks. Prioritize difficult topics and allocate more time to areas where you need improvement.

Q: Should I join coaching institutes for JEE MAINS preparation?
A: Joining a coaching institute is a personal decision. But taking Coaching from right institution is very beneficial because they will guide you how to start your preparation using right approach and right resources. Coaching study materials and practice papers are designed according to exam pattern and syllabus. Every week you have to appear for Mock test, this will help you to develop speed, accuracy, and time management skills that is essential to crack the exam.

Q: Which books should I refer to for JEE MAINS preparation?
A: There are several recommended books for JEE MAINS preparation, including NCERT textbooks, reference books by renowned authors like H.C. Verma, R.D. Sharma, and O.P. Tandon. But you should give more attention to your Coaching notes and Previous year papers. Solve one book multiple times instead of solving multiple books at a time.

Q: How important is solving previous years' question papers and mock tests?
A: Solving previous years' question papers and mock tests is crucial for JEE MAINS preparation. It helps you understand the exam pattern, manage time effectively, and familiarize yourself with the types of questions asked. You can identify your weak portions and strong ones then it will be easy for you to decide in what portion you have to invest more time. 

Q: How can I stay motivated throughout the JEE MAINS preparation journey?
A: Staying motivated is essential during the long preparation process. Set realistic goals, break your study sessions into smaller tasks, reward yourself for accomplishments, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and surround yourself with a supportive environment. Seek inspiration from success stories and remind yourself of your long-term goals.

Q: How can I manage exam stress and anxiety during JEE MAINS?
A: To manage exam stress, ensure a proper balance between study and relaxation. Practice mindfulness techniques, exercise regularly, get sufficient sleep, maintain a healthy diet, and take regular breaks. Seek support from family, friends, or mentors to alleviate stress and anxiety.

Q: Is it possible to crack JEE MAINS in the first attempt?
A: Yes, it is absolutely possible to crack JEE MAINS in the first attempt. With consistent effort, a well-planned study routine, and effective preparation strategies, many students have achieved success in their first attempt. Believe in yourself and stay committed to your goals.


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